we are not an environmentalist. we are an Earth warrior

Solar Boat

More About Solar Boat
Today we tested our solar boats using different motors. Now we have four solar boats with differen shapes and different size.We also have calcualated the speed of the boats.

First solar boat

Second solar boat

Third solarboat

Testing solar boat on our school's pond

We have decided which solar boat should be used for the day. Hopefully we made a right choice.


Solar Boat Propeller

After we've done making our solar boat, we were experimenting our solar boat using different types of propeller with different number of blades. Most of the propeller are homemade from recycled materials. Our experiment held at our school pond.
The propeller for upper view


Update of The Solar Boat

On 10th July 2011, our teacher Pn Marhamah bt Sarmaji, test some of the motor and solar panels. Based on this test, we will choose a better motor and the way to arrange the solar panel to apply to the solar boat.

 Solar boat arrange in series

 Measuring the voltage by using multimeter when it is exposed at the sunlight at 12 noon

 Measuring the voltage by using multimeter when it is not expose on the sun.

Different motors

Solar boat arrange in series

Resistance for every motors


Designing the second and third model of solar boat

 Suhesan was preparing and designing the second and third model of solar boat.


Designing Solar Boat Version 1

Date : Thursday, 19th May 2011
Time : 2.30 p.m -5.00 p.m
Venue : Biology Labolatory

After 3 weeks of exam we start to continue our activities. On this day, we designing our solar boat and updated our blog. We start at 2.30p.m until 5.00 p.m.

Process in designing our solar boat :

After finished designing our solar boat. We updated our blog.


Preliminary Solar Boat Design

Date : Tuesday, 19th April 2011
Time : 3.00 p.m - 5.00 p.m
Venue : Biology Labolatory

On this day, solar boat members from 4M1 students made a design of solar boat. They discuss about how to make the solar boat together with the teachers. They search the info from the internet and also some magazines. Some of them also try the solar panels and motor that gave by BP. For blogger team, we used this time to update our blog about this activity that we had done today.

Teacher helping the students explaining about the propeller for the solar boat

The first stage of designing the solar boat 

The boys experimenting the solar panel

We updated our blog :)


Briefing of Solar Boat Competition at SMK Taman Melati

Date : Wednesday, 13th April 2011
Time : 9.00 a.m - 1.00 p.m
Venue : Dewan Taman Melati Mekar, SMK Taman Melati

On this day, BP had came to our school to give some briefing for solar boat competition. Our school had chosen 5 pupils of 4M1 class to attend the briefing. They are Nur Khairunnisa, Nurul Nadia, Dhurgashini, S. Suhesan and Hud b. Muhd Muzaffar. All of the participants school had arrived around 8.30 a.m to our school. There are SMK (P) PUDU, SM SAINS SELANGOR, SM TEKNIK KUALA LUMPUR and SM AGAMA KUALA LUMPUR. Our school had served breakfast to them before being ushered to Dewan Taman Melati Mekar. The briefing start at 9.00 a.m until 11. 50 a.m.

Mr. Koh Kian Choon and Mr. Zulkifli b. Othman is a BP representative had gave an explaination about the objectives of solar boat competition and the specification of solar boat design. Moreover, they also brief about the PowerPoint presentation. For this year, we had been given three solar panels and a motor to use. From now on, we can start designing and making our solar boat. Then, at 11.50 a.m the briefing ended. We ushered them to take a lunch at our school canteen. After that, they went back to their schools. We enjoy along this briefing time with new friends and reprentative of BP, Mr. Koh and Mr. Zulkifli.

Pupils of 4M1 class that had been chosen to attend this briefing. 

The representative of Bp

Mr. Koh Kian Choon gave solar boat kit to Suhesan a/l Subramaniam of SMK Taman Melati

The representative and guests enjoying the meal we served

Never does nature say one thing and wisdom another.

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